The Pizza Experience

First off, Ovest Pizoteca is located at one of the coolest spots in New York City: under The High Line. Secondly, having one of the best pizzas in town comes with one of the most pleasent experiences in restaurants as well. I mean, on top of a crispy, delicious dough they add all those traditional Italian pizza ingredients PLUS exceptional service, great soundtrack, comfortable environment, perfect lighting, and beautiful people - both the clientele and the staff. What else could you want when enjoying Naples-style pizza? This post is not being sponsored by Ovest Pizzoteca by Luzzo’s. It’s just I really love their pizza. Buon appetito!


Ovest Pizzoteca: delicious pizza dough, all those traditional Italian pizza ingredients, exceptional service, great soundtrack, comfortable environment, perfect lighting.


If you are in the East Village, Luzzo’s is also a great option to have a delicious Napoletana Pizza. The restaurant is operated by the same owner, which also runs a quintessential magnificence for those who love gnocchi like me: Gnoccheria by Luzo’s, the first restaurant in New York City specialized in different (and unusual) types of gnocchi. We will be talking about it in another blog story. This post is not sponsored by any of these food establishments. I just really like their food.

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